Tuesday, March 19, 2013

....for me

For whatever reasons the family is about and out and I have time to myself. What better way to waste time in this lovely place than to give myself more post to giggle at. The whole humility thing didn't work out. Maybe next time. [disclaimer: I probably enjoy this blog more than any of you, so if I seem annoying then it obviously isn't being written for you. Much love].

This post is probably more what you were looking for with the first. The pictures. Turns out I've only been here 3 days and I'm already a failure as a picture taker. Fortunately I've got five and half weeks to make up for my lost days. But here's a few from the Ipod's point of view.

 Yesterday was very rainy and cold
 I love the architecture
 Conveniently distracted by some stunning landscape to give you this lovely cameo : )
Also,  the aforementioned bright red pillow jacket. AND the scarf Francesca's mother made for me! I'm in love. 
 Francesca and I walked around town today showing me where everything is
 Very fashion aware little twerps posing in ZARA
 Behind the line of trees the priests and volunteers are preparing olive branches for Palm Sunday
 I love the homes here
 Bike riders everywhere. I intend to join them at some point
 First trip into a bakery today. I am going to be fat when I get home (declarative statement, no doubt about it)
 All of the streets in my town are named after authors. Ex. Dante

Also, its hard not to feel like I'm boasting. I am in fact not,  I just want to share how wonderful this all is. 


  1. You are not boasting. You are there. We are here. We want to see it, hear it, feel it, taste it, love it -- through you! So grateful for the internet and that we can so easily communicate. More of the same, please!
