Wednesday, April 3, 2013

...Why do these things need titles again?

  1. I broke Edward's adapter - I swear the gravity is stronger here. I have broken a bike light a mug, and not to mention Haleigh's iPod. (the adapter has been replaced for you Edward - sorry)
  2. We visited Saint Antonios Basilica in Padova on Friday. Wow. Just wow. Pictures weren't allowed, I agree with that. But a google image search never hurt, not the same, but still beautiful.
  3. Easter was fabulous (I have a post for it, but it's not quite finished)
  4. Monday I went to and Italian BBQ. They loooove Tony's and TexJoy, just by the way. 
  5. I live with a nail tech - let that soak in Callie. (she also waxes - my legs are on the bucket list before I leave)
  6. I saw a sheep herder herding his sheep today! Nothing tooo special. Ludovica dragged me to the upstairs of her grandparents house, went through a huge ordeal of opening ginormous windows, (all the while me having no clue what was going on) then finally she finished, and gave me a beaming smile and yelled "Guardare!" (look!). She cracked up at my face. I wasn't exactly expecting sheep out the window o.O It was a nice moment. 
  7. I found an adorable SUPER cheap apartment in Provo. Still waiting for them to email me back. I die a little inside every time I get an email that isn't from them. 
  8. My hair is long enough to do a single braid! Whoop whoop - if I ever go to cut my hair again remind me that I regret it every time. 
  9. I have made hardly any clothing purchases. I feel like I'm losing precious time. I need to go shopping. 
  10. I have been here for approximately 18 days. Did you know that is an eternity? 
  11. EVERYONE (all females) should do the Gritty Goddess race in Galveston on May 4th! The entry fee is $70 but they have a $20 discount for high school and college students. I'm doing the 9:00 am Athena race. And don't feel like you're not in good enough shape because A) it's a team obstacle course, do it as slow as you want - you've got help B) it's three days after I get back in the states, I am going to be majorly jet lagged and 100% out of shape and full of gelato, pasta, and bread. C) You got this. DO IT. Please. 
  12. I miss my parents - they should live in Italy. Mom would love the cool air, but dad would wear a beanie from September to May.
That's enough for this evening, er morning. Ciao!


  1. Love it! (the tiny print is too tiny almost) but it is so good to hear you alive. Don't be me! Get your sleep. I am working at reversing my habit - to bed by 10, sleep 7 or 8 hours. Please! Get your days and nights straight. Dancing on your wedding day will be fun because you want it to be fun. I am looking forward to it! Love you.
    How sweet of Ludovica to share the sheep scene with you; very sweet.

  2. Hahahahahahahaha I'm dying with laughter at the line about Dad's beanie.
